Twenty-four Views of Amsterdam in the Rain
3 artworks
Imagination: Serendipitous Realism
182 artworks
Serendipidous realism is the process of creating art from scraps; left over paint and scrapped dried paint from the palette, and cut sections from the wiping cloths. Images are identified by association with a quote or statement proving that realism is as much imagination as real observations and that all art is a trick of the eye.
"You may discover in the patterns on the wall a resemblance to various landscapes, adorned with mountains, rivers, rocks, trees, plains, wide valleys and hills in va
36 artworks
Commissioned portraits.
America's Cup Yachts
6 artworks
A series of paintings, oil and acrylic, of American yachts that competed in the America's Cup races. Works are based on public domain black and white photos taken of the boats engaged in racing.
Imagination: Smaller Pieces
6 artworks
Small fragments of wiping rags.
Forty-Eight Views of Brownstone Brooklyn
49 artworks
Jones Beach
37 artworks
Animal portraits
8 artworks
Miscellaneous Works
14 artworks
Various works that don't fit anywhere else.
Whistler's Venice Pastels Reproduced
54 artworks
Whistler’s Venice Pastels. To celebrate the 140th anniversary of their first being shown in London in 1879, the artist Jim Fischer has reproduced in original pastel on brown paper all 60 of Whistler’s Venice pastels. The originals are now scattered throughout the world and, because of their delicate nature, most are kept in controlled environment vaults. Many are in very poor condition. These reproductions give the viewer a chance to experience these masterpieces in their original, pristine cond
Older Works
1 artwork
In the interest of archiving off site, these are older works. As you might expect, I did not become a competent artist overnight. In fact, I have been doing art since I was seven years old (as far as I can remember). All of my works prior to 1972 (22 years old) have been lost. This is what I could round up from subsequent years.
3 artworks
3 dimensional works.