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Added Jan 18, 2022

What's on the Easel, September 2021

What’s On The Easel

September 2021, Vol. III, No. 9

A monthly newsletter from Jim Fischer




At least phase I of the Kruse’ Women project, the actual portraits (colored pencil on paper):



This is probably the only time all ten portraits will hang together. Each portrait, along with prints of the entire set (below), will be sent to its owner.





I did take the time to do a small PhotoShop project for a friend. He wanted what I would call a ‘whimsy’ photo of his niece and nephew (whose last name is Knight). A bit of fun.




A Visit from Ida


Of course, the big event this month was Ida. The storm dumped 9 inches of rain in two hours. The result was a raging river through our back garden that flowed onto the dek in a 15 foot long cascade. But the scary part was it began to build up against the foundation behind the house as it flowed around eventually cascading down the alley and flowing over our front steps (white water rafting, anyone?).



If it had breached the kitchen door the basement would have flooded. It came close. Unfortunately, our new lawn was covered in silt and we are now in the process of trying to save it. And then there was some collateral damage, this Opossum juvenile was found trapped under the alleyway door.   


Other things …


This month’s artistic production was, and is, further limited by house chores. Besides the lawn repairs, it was time to clean the stained glass skylight (a scary job hanging over the staircase).



Other stuff stealing my time include painting the iron railings in the front, deep cleaning the hallway/stairway carpets and washing all the windows (all 22 of them, inside and out). So, for the time being I guess I am more handyman than artist.


That’s all for now. Stay well. And what’s on your easel?






Jim Fischer, 530 Liberty Avenue, Jersey City, NJ, 07307

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