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Added Jan 18, 2022

What's on the Easel, November 2021

What’s On The Easel

November 2021, Vol. III, No. 11

A monthly newsletter from Jim Fischer


Uncle Mike…


My uncle recently passed and his daughter, my cousin Mollie, posted a number of pics. I found the one used for this portrait irresistible and so…



I used a different technique than I usually do. I mostly use the Renaissance technique of layered glazes, pioneered by DiVinci. But this one was done in what’s called ‘wet-on-wet’ (as was Steph’s shown below). It’s a much quicker technique. This portrait took only 15 hours over five days as opposed to the glazing that takes a month. It’s also less forgiving, kinda like watercolor work. Here’s the timeline: 



Of course…


The portrait gave me plenty of materials for additions to the Imagination series.



From left to right: George Washington, Red Hair Rising, Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come, and Dusk (for the full titles you will have to go to my website,

And this one:



Called ‘The Annunciation to the Shepherds’, it’s the one-hundreth piece in the collection and, as you might expect, I have run out of room in gallery:



On to the bedroom!


A Sunday Afternoon


  One Sunday afternoon, having some time on my hands, I knocked out Shani’s ‘official portrait’.



Publish or perish (I guess)


Each year the Jersey City artist's association I belong to, ProArts Jersey City, does a book of member’s works. The catch is, you have to write some poetry (or, for one year, a recipe) to go with it. This year it was a cinquain and here is my published entry, hot off the presses:



As Winter sets in…


The gardens are all cleared and prepared for the winter (except for the garlic which gets planted later this month), the furniture and statues are all stowed. So, it’s time to get back to the shipyard and hopefully finish the two ships I’m working on  by Spring.



That’s all for now. Stay well. And what’s on your easel?






Jim Fischer, 530 Liberty Avenue, Jersey City, NJ, 07307

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