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Added Jan 18, 2022

What's on the Easel, December 2021

What’s On The Easel

December 2021, Vol. III, No. 12

A monthly newsletter from Jim Fischer


Once again, there is nothing on the easel.


But that’s not to say I’ve been sitting on my hands. The big project was the annual holiday card and this year, as those of you who are on my list know, was something completely different (and lots of fun to do). Here it is in comic strip form:


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It’s deja vu all over again …


(The following item was prepared for this newsletter. Ah, but it now appears covid has once again delayed it so, make note but don’t get your hopes up, ‘official’ notice to come soon),


My series of paintings of Brooklyn, 48 Views of Brownstone Brooklyn, was supposed to show in the Casa Colombo gallery in April of 2020. Weeeell, something got in the way. But, finally, all is not lost (we hope, given the new strain of the virus), the exhibition will be up for the month of January.



There will be an artist’s reception on January 8th and I hope that those of you who can make it will be there. So, keep your fingers crossed, official notice will be emailed at the end of this month.




It’s the holiday season and many art venues are doing their annual ‘small pieces’ exhibitions ( small pieces = cheaper prices = more sales is the theory) and, given the nature of my Imagination series (most are 5x7 or less), I’m in three venues.


This grouping, called ‘The Garden at Dusk’ is gone to a venue in downtown Jersey City. 



Up on the rooftop…


Well, Santa should have an easier time landing on our roof this year, we just had it replaced, total tear up and rebuild, right down to the stringers. It’s very nice.


(I was planning to put a pic up of the new roof but the contractor failed to deliver one, isn’t that just like contractors, almost finished…)


Thanksgiving was with family, finally…



Left to right: Jake (Nat’s significant other), Steph, brother Rick, Juin (Ricks significant other) and Nat. Of course, I’m behind the camera (can’t leave the job to amateurs, eh).


Onward to the new year and here to welcome us all…


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Yup, you got it, The Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come from Dicken’s A Christmas Carol (and part of the Imagination series) greets you (yeah, I know, that’s a grim visage but, be of good cheer, at the end even Scrooge is redeemed). And Io demands to get his two cents in, as well…


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That’s all for now. Stay well. And what’s on your easel?






Jim Fischer, 530 Liberty Avenue, Jersey City, NJ, 07307

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